viernes, 29 de abril de 2011

El FUTURO en inglés (6º Primaria)

FUTURO SIMPLE (shall, will)
1.− Usamos el futuro simple cuando decidimos algo en el momento de hablar.
I've left the door open. I'll go and shut it.
2. − También lo usamos para:
2.1. Ofrecimientos.
I'll help you with your bag
2.2. Acuerdos/desacuerdos en realizar acciones.
I'll bring your book tomorrow.
2.3. Prometiendo hacer algo.
I'll pay you on Friday.
2.4. Pidiendo a alguien que haga algo.
Will you shut the door, please?
2.5. Cuando predecimos acontecimiento o situaciones futuras (pero no tenemos pistas en el presente)
When you return home, you'll notice a lot of changes.

2.6. Usado con:
· Probably.
I'll probably be a bit late today.
· I'm sure.
 I'm sure you'll like Andrew.
· I expect.
 I expect Carol will get the job.
· I think.
Do you think we'll win the match?
3.− Se forma con el auxiliar WILL y el verbo principal en infinitivo.
I will play              You will play
He will play           She will play
It will play              We will play
You will play         They will play
4.− Para formar las formas negativas e interrogativas usamos el auxiliar WILL.
You will play tennis
You won't play tennis.
Will you play tennis?
1.− Usamos going to para futuro cuando planeamos hacer algo.
I'm going to have an early night.
2.− Usamos También going to para hablar de algo que tenemos la certeza de que va a ocurrir en el futuro.
The man can't see where he is going. There is a hole in front of him. He is going to fall into the hole.
3.− Se forma con el verbo TO BE + GOING TO + el verbo principal en infinitivo.
I am going to play, You are going to play
He is going to play, She is going to play
It is going to play, We are going to play
You are going to play, They are going to play
4.− Para formar la negativa y la interrogativa, se usa, por supuesto, el verbo TO BE.
You are going to play.
You aren't going to play
Are you going to play?

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