miércoles, 24 de abril de 2013


CEIP.  Ntra. Sra. del Rosario. ENGLISH. Date: _________________________________April. Score: ___________
Hellín.     Name and surname:_________________________________________________. Grade:5th. __.  Nº ___
B A S I C   E N G L I S H  -  I

KEY.   English. Wednesday, 24th April
01.     Months:
January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August,
 September, October, November, December.
                Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.
03. Ordinal numbers:  
1st. FIRST,  2nd. SECOND, 3rd. THIRD, 5th . FIFTH
04. Write in English: “Hay cinco océanos”.
 There  are  five  oceans.

05.Write in English: “Hay un oso ”.
There´s  a bear.

06.Write in English: “Yo estuve enfermo”.
I  was  ill.

07.   Write in English: “¿Puedo ir al cine?

Can I go to the cinema?

08.   Write in English: “Yo no puedo”
I can´t
09.Time.  1:10-  It´s  ten  past one.
10. Weather: lluvioso:  rainy,  caluroso: hot,    soleado: sunny    nublado: cloudy
11.   Five subjects:
Spanish Language, English, Maths, Science, Nature, Geography,
History, Music, Physical Education, Art, …
13. Significado de: WHO: Quién?,         WHAT: Qué?              WHERE: Dónde?    
       WHEN: Cuándo?,         WHY: Por qué?   HOW: Cómo?
14.  Answer:       Who are you?   I´m (Tomás).
15. Answer:      How old are you?  I´m  ten/eleven/twelve.
16. Answer:      Can you play any sport? Yes, I can.
                           3 sports: Handball, Football, Volleyball, Swimming,Ballet dancing
17. Write in English: “Mi comida favorite era la pizza” .
My  favourite  food  was pizza
18. Verb Tenses: Present Simple:   She  plays.   
19. Present Continuous:     She is     playing.
20.  playa: beach,  piscina: swimming pool,  río: river,  montaña: mountain
21.   IR: go,         HACER: do/make,          NADAR: swim,
22.  CORRER: run,        ANDAR: walk,        VENIR: come ,
23. Ellos están jugando a tenis:
They´re  playing  tennis.
24. ¿Tienes tú una  mascota (pet)?     Sí, yo tengo …       
Have  you  got  a pet?  Yes, I  have.                   

lunes, 22 de abril de 2013


CEIP.  Ntra. Sra. del Rosario. ENGLISH. Date: _________________________________April. Score: ___________
Hellín.   Name and surname:_________________________________________________. 6th Grade.        Nº ___
K E Y   B A S I C   E N G L I S H  -  I
02. Week:  Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.
03. Ordinal numbers:  First, second, third, fifth.
04. 6 months  of the year:  January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August,, September,
October, November, December.
05. Time. 12:00- It´s twelve o´clock                               1:10- It´s ten past one
06. Weather: lluvioso: rainy,   fresco: cool,     nublado: cloudy    húmedo: wet
07. Five subjects: Spanish, English, Maths, Nature, Science, Geography, History, Music, P.E.
08. SER/ESTAR= BE,             TENER/HABER/TOMAR= HAVE,          PODER= CAN
09. Significado de: WHO: Quién?             WHAT: Qué?                    WHERE: Dónde?
                                  WHEN: Cuándo?         WHY: Por qué?                HOW: Cómo?
10. Answer:       Who are you?   I´m (Anthony).
11. Answer:      How old are you?  I´m twelve/eleven.
12. Answer:      Can you play any sport? Yes, I can. 3 sports: Handball, Volleyball, Football.
13. Comparative of GOOD?  BETTER     Superlative : THE  BEST
14. Comparative of BAD?     WORSE      Superlative : THE  WORST
15. Verb Tenses:                                                                             Present Simple:   She speaks
Present Continuous:          I ´m  speaking                         Past Simple:  You spoke                  
Future Simple: He will speak                                          Future of Intention: I´m going to speak
16. Ellos se fueron: They  went
17. Ella come a las 14:30 (at 2:30 pm): She has lunch at 2:30 p.m.
18. ¿Hiciste tus deberes? Sí, los hice: Did you do your homework? Yes, I did.
19.  Me levanté a las 8:00.  I got up at eight o´clock
20. Me tomé un sandwich y un refresco (cold drink): I had a sandwich and a cold drink.

jueves, 18 de abril de 2013


CEIP.  Ntra. Sra. del Rosario. ENGLISH. Date: _________________________________April. Score: ___________
Hellín.     Name and surname:_________________________________________________. Grade:5th. __.  Nº ___
B A S I C   E N G L I S H  -  I
01.     Months:
J________________, F_________________, M___________________, A_________________
M_______________, J_________________, J____________________, A_________________, S________________, O ________________, N___________________, D_________________.
02.Week:S______________,M______________,T__________________,W_____________________  T_______________________, F________________, S________________.
03. Ordinal numbers:  1st  : ________,  2nd:_____________,  3rd:­___________,   5th: _______________
04. Write in English: “Hay cinco océanos” _________________________________________________
05. Write in English: “Hay un oso (bear)” _________________________________________________
06. Write in English: “Yo estuve enfermo  (ill) ______________________________________________
07. Write in English: ¿Puedo yo ir al cine? _________________________________________________
08. Write in English: “Yo no puedo” ______________________________________________________
09. Time.  1:10- ______________________________________________________________________
10. Weather: lluvioso:___________   caluroso: _______    soleado:__________    nublado: _________
07. Five subjects: _____________________________________________________________________
08. SER/ESTAR=____________,  TENER/HABER/TOMAR=______________  PODER=_______________
09. Significado de: WHO: __________,         WHAT: __________               WHERE: _________________
                                  WHEN: _________,         WHY: ___________                HOW: ___________________
10. Answer:       Who are you?   __________________________
11. Answer:      How old are you?  ________________________
12. Answer:      Can you play any sport? _______________. 3 sports: _________________________
13. Write in English: “Mi comida favorite era la pizza” _______________________________________
15. Verb Tenses: Present Simple:   She ___________     Present Continuous: She ___   ____________
16.  playa: _________, piscina: _____________________, río: __________, montaña:____________
17.   IR: _____________, HACER: __________, NADAR: ________________,
18.  CORRER: ________, ANDAR: __________, VENIR: _________________   
19. Ellos están jugando a tenis: ________________________________________________________
20. ¿Tienes tú una  mascota (pet)?     Sí, yo tengo …                                      

miércoles, 17 de abril de 2013


CEIP.  Ntra. Sra. del Rosario. ENGLISH. Date: _______________April. Score: ___________
Hellín.   Name and surname:________________________________. 6th Grade.        
B A S I C   E N G L I S H  -  I
01. Five countries:  ___________________________________________________
02. Week:  S______________, M______________, T_______________, W______
T_______________________, F________________, S________________.
03. Ordinal numbers:  1st  : ________,  2nd:__________,  3rd:­____,   5th: _______
04. 6 months  of the year:  ____________________________________________
05. Time. 12:00- _______________________________  1:10- _______________
06. Weather: lluvioso:____   fresco: _____    nublado:________    húmedo: ____
07. Five subjects: __________________________________________________
08. SER/ESTAR=_______,  TENER/HABER/TOMAR=_______ PODER=_________
09. Significado de: WHO: __________,WHAT: __________    WHERE: ________
                               WHEN: ________,  WHY: ___________    HOW: __________
10. Answer:       Who are you?   __________________________
11. Answer:      How old are you?  ________________________
12. Answer:      Can you play any sport? _______________. 3 sports: _________
13. Comparative of GOOD?  __________     Superlative : _______________
14. Comparative of BAD? ____________     Superlative : _______________
15. Verb Tenses:                                                       Present Simple:   She _____
Present Continuous:   I ___   ____________            Past Simple:  You _________                      
Future Simple: He __   __________     Future of Intention: I ___  _____  __  ____
16. Ellos se fueron: ________________________________________________
17. Ella come a las 14:30 (at 2:30 pm): ________________________________
18. ¿Hiciste tus deberes? Sí, los hice: _________________________________
19.  Me levanté a las 8:00. _________________________________________
20. Me tomé un sandwich y un refresco (cold drink): ____________________