jueves, 16 de junio de 2011

English Primary 6th Grade. What have you learnt? Have you watched any video about ...?


CEIP Ntra. Sra. Del Rosario.                                                                      
Hellín. Teacher: Jesús Marín.
What have you learnt? Watched? ...?

01.Hablar sobre ti mismo. (Speaking-1); hablar sobre el invierno, el colegio, horarios, asignaturas, rutinas, familia, amigos,viajes, campeonatos, fiestas. (Speaking-2); hablar sobre actividades cotidianas (Speaking-3).
13. Tiempos verbales: future de intención con: to be + going to + verbo en infinitivo: We are going to travel.
14.  Adjetivos: old, Young, strong, weak, pretty, ugly,…

02. Controles de vocabulario, verbos y estructuras gramaticales.
15.  El comparativo corto (añade –er: stronger than) y el comparativo largo
( antepone, more + adjetivo + than: more expensive).
03. Unidades del Class Book. Editorial Oxford “Surprise”; Activity Book. Autocorrección con Ficha-Clave de Respuestas.
16.  El superlativo corto (añade –est: the fastest) y el superlativo largo (antepone the most + adjetivo : the most expensive).
04. Repaso números cardinales y ordinales.
17. Países de la Unión Europea y capitales. Mapa.
05. Repaso pronombres interrogativos: Qué? Quién? Dónde? Por qué? Cuándo? Cómo? Cómo de viejo? Cómo de rápido? Cuánto? Cuántos? …
18. Personajes de la Historia de Inglaterra: Guy Fawkes.
19. Bonfire Night.
20. Historia de Los Beatles. Canciones.
06. Verbos uxiliaries y especiales: TO BE, TO HAVE, CAN, …
21. George Harrison (video)
22. John Lennon. Imagine.
23. Michael Jackson. …World
07. Verbos regulares: pasado terminado en –ed. (liked, loved, visited, …).
24. London (video).
25. New York (video).
26. Frank Sinatra (N.York song).
08. Verbos irregulares: pasado irregular. (lista, go/went, write/wrote, speak/spoke).
27. William Shakespeare. Ficha en comic sobre su vida.
28. Leer noticias en inglés: terremoto en Lorca
09. Tiempos verbales: presente simple (he plays).
29. Biografías: Kimani Marugue.
10. Tiempos verbales: presente continuo (he is playing now).
30. Control lectura: ficha.
31.Conversación: Agencia de Viajes.
11. Tiempos verbales: pasado simple (he spoke).
32. Posesivos: my, your, his, her, its, our, their.
12. Tiempos verbales: futuro simple (he will play).
33. Libro lectura en inglés:

Te recuerdo algunas palabras de vocabulario, formas verbales, estructuras gramaticales, que debes repasar. Revisa tu cuaderno del curso 2010-2011. Atrévete a formar nuevas frases, párrafos e incluso alguna pequeña redacción, narración, diálogo, con estas palabras. Vamos a ello: (copia y traduce todo).
             Internet: Jesus-Inglés53
I´m ten years old.
I live in Hellín
I´ve got (have got) a dog
How old are you?
Where do you live?
Have you got a pet?
Monday,Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. Today is … Tomorrow is …
What day is it today?
Who are you?
What´s your name?
Do you like dogs?
We have Break now.
One, two, three, four, five,
Six, seven, eight, nine, ten,
Do you know …?
Do you like…?
Do you study?
Eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, one hundred.
Who? What? Where? When?
How? How much? How fast?
How many? How far? How often?

Why? Because …
This is my timetable.
That´s ( is) my bike.
These are my cousins/friends.
Those are my grandparents.
Can you hear me?
Can you talk/speak?
Can you walk?
Can I go to the cinema, please?
Year, month, week, weekend,  day, hour, minute, second, quarter, half, past, to.
What´s the time, please?
What time is it, please?
What´s the weather like?
Spain, France, Italy, Germany, Great Britain, England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland.
Where are you from?
Where do you come from?
I´m from Spain. We´re from …
There´s an orange on the table
There are 25 pupils in my class.
Speak, hear, read, write, play, walk, run, jump, cry, shout, get up, go to bed, wash, comb,
Have breakfast, lunch, dinner.
Is there anything on the table?
Where are you going?
What are you doing?
Faster, slower, heavier, he was, they were, she lives, I walked, watched, liked,