miércoles, 19 de diciembre de 2012


AN ARTICLE ON THE BEATLES. (PRESS)  1. New York, 2. killed, 3. play, 5. love, 6. world, 7. hair, 8. Liverpool, 9. group, 10 (any song title) …
The Beatles are the most famous pop ___________ of all times. They started at a club in _________________, “The Cavern”. After some time and some changes in the group, John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr became famous because of their music and ________ styles. Songs like “Please, please me” and “She loves you” written by Lennon and McCartney, were famous all over the ____________. From that moment all their records were Number One in the Hit Parade. People said they were rebels but all  they wanted was a world with a little more ____________ and peace.
The Beatles also made some funny __________: “Help” and “Yellow Submarine”. There was nobody in the world who did not know the Beatles. Today they do not __________ as a group any more but Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr are still well-known musicians. John Lennon was ___________ by a madman in _____  _____ some years ago. Do you know any Beatles’ songs? I’m sure you do. Which one? _______________.

And now write these irregular verbs in English:
- tu hermano empieza                       YOUR  BROTHER  BEGINS
- ellos rompieron                               THEY BROKE
- traelo                                                  BRING  IT
- están comprando                             THEY  ARE  BUYING
- ellos vinieron                                    THEY  CAME
- tu lo hiciste                                        YOU  DID  IT
- Yo he dibujado                                  I  HAVE  DRAWN
- Ella no conduce                                SHE  DOESN’T  DRIVE
- ¿Estas comiendo?                            ARE  YOU  EATING?
- ¿Que sientes?                                   WHAT  DO YOU FEEL?
- El no peleo                                        HE  DIDN’T  FIGHT
- No encontre nada                            I  DIDN’T  FIND  ANYTHING
- He olvidado el regalo                      I’VE  FORGOTTEN  THE PRESENT
- Lo consegui                                       I ‘VE  GOT  IT
- no me diste nada                              YOU  DIDN’T  GIVE  ANYTHING
- Me fui temprano (early)                 I  WENT  EARLY
- ¿Estas oyendo?                                 ARE  YOU  HEARING?
- ¿Lo escondiste?                                DID  YOU  HID  IT?
Answer: Do you know what time  the Volley Match is, next Saturday at Rosario Sport Centre? Yes, I do. It’s at __________. What teams are going to play? ___________________ _________ and ________________________________.

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